Monday, June 7, 2010

Something New

I got this blog just sittin' here... I only created it because my link list was getting too unwieldy, so I moved all the prepper network sites over here. Anyways, I had me an idea...

Being the creative bugger that I am, another story idea came to me. So I figgered, why not put it here! Might as well, since the blog is already here. It's gonna be.... Well, you'll find out when I do! Ha ha! Anyways, unlike my Captain Jack story, I've got a title for this: One.

March 16, 2012

It's been three weeks since I've seen another person. Alive, that is. What I have seen is bodies. More than I care to think about right now. They're everywhere...

This morning I got lucky and found an old Chevy Blazer that actually started! It's one of those military surplus vehicles somebody bought for... well maybe for this. It's a rattle trap, and smokes like crazy, but it beats the hell out of walking. And it may have saved my life. Even though there's no people (as far as I know), there are plenty of animals. It seems they were immune to whatever it was that that swept this town. The county. And I think the whole state.

So I started this journal to document... whatever the hell has happened. Just in case I don't make it either. Maybe someone will find this journal, and they'll know what happened. Or they'll know what I saw anyways, because I'm still not sure what happened.

What I do know is that six weeks ago there was a massive coronal mass ejection from the sun. Everything went dead. No electricity, no cars, no phones, no radio... The first day there was confusion, panic, looting (of course). But nothing real bad. That came toward the end of the first week, when the food ran out. Local officials had the grocery stores and the corner stores blocaded and guarded, and all the non-perishables moved to a warehouse. Stuff that would spoil was loaded into coolers, packed in ice, and distributed to people kind of like we heard about the old Soviet Union. You know, stand in line for a few slices of bread.

After the first week, people began accusing others of "hoarding" food in their pantries, and the police started searching homes for canned food, bottled water, and other items folks might have "too much" of. The warehouse quickly emptied that first week, and the perishables were pretty much gone in the first three days, so I guess the mayor and police chief decided to search homes and "redistribute" any "hoarded" items to avoid panic.

We never did see the National Guard, or FEMA, or any of those people who are supposed to respond to emergencies. I guess transportation was an issue for them as well.

The really bad stuff started happening in the second week. People started getting sick. Really sick. The doctors said it was because of the lack of sanitation, as in no sewer system, and no water treatment. But when they started dieing too, that's when I began to think there was something more going on than "lack of sanitation".

People got very high fevers. They went into convulsions. They threw up blood. Their bodies were covered in sores. Three days after they showed the first symptoms, they were dead. The doctors and nurses died too. Hell, everyone died!

Me, I stayed holed up at my place. It was on the outside of town, I had a well and septic system. And I was a "prepper". One of those people who "hoarded" food, water, etc. My wife and I.... Jenny. She's gone now. She died the same horrible death as everyone else. Why the hell was I spared?! Oh God....

They came and took our stores, and wanted to arrest us for "failing to render aid". That was bull crap, because Jenny and I were doing everything we could to help our neighbors out. But the cops, and their new "deputies", they took everything. Even squash that had barely begun to grow in our garden. They asked if I had any weapons. All I had visible was my Grandpa's Winchester, and they took it too. The rest of my guns and ammunition were stashed under the floor in the shed, and I thank God for that.

They didn't arrest me, mostly because the jail was already full of looters. The next day Jenny fell ill, and she told me to go. She begged me to go. I refused. Two days later she died in my arms.

Hungry and grief stricken, I packed up what supplies I could carry, grabbed my bug out bag (which the thieves from the city had not taken) and headed out to the north, toward my uncle's place on the lake, about 60 miles away.

I am half way there now, after four days on foot. The going has been really tough. Roads are heaped with wrecked and dead vehicles, packs of now wild dogs are everywhere... Twice I was attacked by packs of four or five dogs, desperately hungry for something fresh, I'm sure. I killed them with my SKS rifle. So glad I bought that semi automatic, if I had a bolt action I'd be dead.

Anyways, I'm low on food and water, and only half way to my destination. So you can see why finding the Blazer is a Godsend. I've stopped for the night, and for the first time in four days I can sleep securely here in the Blazer. I couldn't sleep in someone's house. Mostly because I'd have to drag the bodies out first. But even then, I just couldn't sleep there.

Hopefully tomorrow will find me at my Uncle's cabin at the lake. Hopefully tomorrow will find him there as well.....


  1. All right Mayberry.I like.


  2. This will be our likely scenario, should the situation arise, so I'll be looking forward to further installments.
    We're a couple of them awful hoarders, too, so the local authorities will be coming in to get our stores, as well. Only glitch is, they'll have to choose which of them goes in the cupboard first, then remove him from the spring-loaded spikes.

  3. When the local authorities come to get my stores they will eat lead until I die.

  4. China, thanks.

    Wannabe, good idea...

    MyWay, I concur.

  5. Lewis and Clark were fond of eating dogs.
